The Elsevier publishing company provided distance access to IUT students and teachers to resources like a Scopus and Science Direct.
Until the end of summer, IUT faculty members and students will be able to use more than 5600 academic books and journals published on the Science Direct platform, without having to be in the university building. Starting from the new academic year, based on an agreement between Elsevier and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, these services will be available at the IUT campus.
Science Direct is a leading reviewed literature platform that includes sections such as physics and engineering Sciences, Natural Sciences, Medical Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and others. The service contains about 2,500 scientific journals and 26,000 e-books.
Scopus is the largest database created by independent experts in this field and includes thousands of abstracts of scientific publications and books. A service is an excellent tool for detecting the citation index of published books and manuscripts.