IUT switched to distance study

last week, the University’s specialists have been testing a new platform which allows IUT students to watch video lectures in the TAS-IX zone at any time in the form of a recording.

Because of situation in the country a meeting was held on March 16 at IUT, during which issues of organizing distance study for IUT students.

University specialists developed the distance study platform – IUT-DES “IUT Distance Education System”in the shortest time. The system allows teachers to use it remotely: download prepared video lectures and presentations, and students can watch this content at any convenient time.

“When we develop the platform, an important factor was for us that in the regions – not always a high speed Internet connection where some of our students live. Because of this issue we decided not to broadcast lessons online; we will post them in the form of video recordings. Also, using the University’s data center, we placed the system in the TAS-IX zone, which many providers has a free access. To log in to the system IUT students needs to using a personal username and password that each has,” said Kanat Sembiev, head of the Information and Computing center (ICC) at IUT.

One of the University’s classrooms specialized Studio for recording video lectures. This was done at the request of teachers, many of whom use blackboards and projectors in their lectures, which is problematic to do at home. Then the videos are mounting and uploading to the platform.

“All the test works were carried out last week. Since March 21, the University’s teachers have started putting the necessary content on the website. Specialists also tested access to the system from Kashkadarya and Khorezm regions. In the process, we will also control the work of the platform, ” said head of ICC.

Since March 17, by order of the acting rector of the University Muzaffar Djalalov, about 80% of employees were transferred to work from distance or sent on paid leave. Some of the teachers come to the University several times a week to record video lectures. Those who do not need to use whiteboards and projectors in their lessons, record video material from home. More than 30% foreign professors, of University, have not left the territory of Uzbekistan.