IUT statistics

Specialists in the field of information technology are in great demand in companies around the world. The obvious proof of this is the level of salaries offered to IT specialists. An appropriately chosen university is the key to the success of a future specialist.

Teaching at Inha University in Tashkent (IUT) is conducted in English only and on the credit basis system, which allows a student, within certain limits, to individually plan the sequence of the educational route. The peculiarity of this method of organizing the educational process is the individualization of learning, increasing the role of independen

t work, increasing the mobility of students.

More than 70% of the total teaching staff of Inha University in Tashkent are foreign professor with a doctorate degree (Ph.D), including Australia, USA, South Korea, India, Bulgaria, Italy, Russia and Palestine.

The educational process uses innovative teaching methods based on the creation of virtual environments, modern educational and laboratory facilities, multimedia technology Fab Lad, the center of preparation for international exams in English, international student exchange programs, new educational programs, as well as additional courses.

Modern educational and laboratory facilities include mobile modules for laboratory work, software for monitoring and evaluating the work of students. For example, SAP next gen laboratory has been opened at the University as well as SAP computer lab, Oracle Academy, Microsoft Academy, Imagine, Aspex BI School, and Cisco Academy etc.

Currently, 1331 students study at the University. Successful students can benefit from a system of incentives such as grant-based learning, academic scholarships, and incentives for high academic performance.

Annually Inha University in Tashkent (IUT) on a basis of entrance examinations provides 40 grants to students of all faculties. Grants are provided by the founders of the IUT and are directed to cover the tuition cost for 4 years.

As a result of the research conducted, the tendencies were identified in the personal and professional development of Inha University students in Tashkent.

Of the 100% of graduates, 15% continued their education in master’s degree, 85% received highly paid jobs in IT companies, ministries and departments. The remaining 8% of employed graduates have opened their own business.

In addition, most students, starting from the second year are partially employed and earn money for personal expenses, as well as to pay the tuition fee.