Statistics of Inha University in Tashkent

🔹The number of students who applied to IUT for the 2022 academic year was 1,756.
On the government scholarship – 178 people.
There were 25 graduate students in 2021, a 61% increase from this year.
🔹Statistics about where IUT graduates work:
61.8% IT
11.4% Bank
8.8% Logistics
2.63% Government organizations
8.8% Project management
6.57% Business
🔹Continuing Education Center
Since 2020, the number of students enrolled in CUC preparatory courses has increased by 65.5%.
Percentage of admission of CEC students to Inha University in Tashkent – 82%
The number of CEC students studying at the university on the basis of a grant is 17 people.
🔹 Datacenter
Since 2018, a data center has been operating at Inha University in Tashkent.
Until 2022, there were 2 services, now the type of services has increased by 3.5 times.