The ITWomenUz-2021 project is organized by the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications, the Ministry for Supporting Mahalla and Family, Park of Software Products and Information Technologies LLC (IT Park), Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Mukhammad Al-Khorezmi (TUIT), in collaboration with Inha University in Tashkent and Amity University in Tashkent. The ITWomenUz 2021 project aims to increase the knowledge and skills of women in the field of information and communication technologies.
Within the framework of the project, from February 17 to March 6, 2021, trainings on computer literacy and e-business will be organized in online and offline formats in all regions of the country in which more than 2,000 women will be involved.
Participating women will be assigned to groups and universities for further training. On February 18, the first IT classes were held at Inha University in Tashkent.
The results achieved during the training period will be assessed by professors and teachers, and certificates will be awarded at the end of the course.
Ministry for Supporting Mahalla and Family will provide jobs for women participating in the project, gained new knowledge and skills, as well as provide practical assistance in providing benefits to women who want to start their own business in the field of information and communication technologies.