Professors of Inha University in Tashkent presented smart agrometeorological stations

University professors, Jasurbek Khodzhaev and Sarvar Abdullaev presented smart solutions for online monitoring and analysis of various environmental parameters.

Weather station “OXUS-2” – allows you to collect and process meteorological data about the environment, to store and analyze the entire amount of information in real time. In automatic mode, the weather station measures air temperature, relative humidity, pollution, speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, soil moisture and much more. A solar-powered weather station collects data from the environment. The cloud system displays online and offline data for farmers, allows to notify agronomists about the spread of diseases or pests via SMS.

Traditional weather station models consist of a large number of additional devices, which makes the process of installation and usage more labour-consuming.

OXUS-2 technologies facilitate the work of agronomists, optimize the workflow and help to perform the daily tasks of agricultural and other research much more efficiently. Also, using the data of agronomists, the forecast of the spread of diseases and pests in the selected area is calculated.

At the moment, 6 domestic-standard agrometeorological stations have been installed and launched, and by the end of this year, it is planned to install another 9 agrometeorological stations for farmers in the regions of the Fergana Valley.