On March 25, 2019, schoolchildren of Uzbekistan can take part in the annual math competition “Kangaroo”.
The Australian mathematician Peter Holloran created the competition in the early 80s and initially it was held only in Australia, as a national competition. At the beginning of the 90s, the idea of the competition spread around the whole Europe. Today, over 6 million children from more than 80 countries of the world take part in the competition. In 2018, schoolchildren of Uzbekistan took part in the competition for the first time.
It is worth noting that the competition is unique in its own way. The main purpose of the Kangaroo competition is not competition itself, but popularization of mathematics, acquaintance with a new unexpected side of this science. The competition provides an opportunity to find out how interesting and amazing it can be, and that is why exciting tasks are chosen for the competition so that each child could solve at least one of them regardless of their knowledge. This competition is so interesting, fun and attractive for children that they begin to adopt a positive attitude toward mathematics at school. When solving problems from the Kangaroo collection, children develop logical thinking, which allows creating a basis for solving more complex problems in the future.
To take part in it participants should be school children of 2-11 grades. The tasks of the competition are designed for the following age groups: Grade 2, Grades 3-4, Grades 5-6, Grades 7-8 and Grades 9-11. Schoolchildren are invited to solve 30 problems (24 for 2-4 grades), divided into three categories of complexity. The duration of the contest is 75 minutes. This year, for the convenience of students, the competition will be held in their respective schools.
Those who wish to participate can register on the contest website www.olympia.uz (or follow the link www.register.olympia.uz). The procedure is very simple and takes place in 2 stages: registration and payment of the fee – 30 000 sum for participation.
For children to prepare for the contest, math puzzles are regularly presented in social networks such as Telegram, Instagram and Facebook.
Join and solve interesting problems with us!
Telegram: t.me/contest_kenguru_uz
Instagram: @kangaroouzbekistan
Facebook: fb.com/kangaroouzbekistan
Phones: +99899 831 9770, +99899 833 9770, +99899 908 9770, +99899 992 9770,
+99899 994 9770