The ranking list of graduates with highest level of salary among Tashkent Universities was headed by Inha University in Tashkent

According to the survey provided by Social Community group, participants were asked to discuss: “Which university graduates have the highest salaries?” In total 521 votes were cast. The top list was headed by Inha University in Tashkent.

Currently, 1331 students are studying at the University. While, successful students can get advantages of reward system such as grant-based studies, academic scholarships, and rewards for excellence.

Each year, Inha University in Tashkent (IUT), according to the results of entrance examinations, provides 40 grants to students of all faculties. Grants are provided by the founders of IUT and directed to cover the cost of study for 4 years.

As results of the research, tendencies of personal and professional development of students of Inha University in Tashkent (IUT) were determined.

Of 100% of graduates, 15% continued their studies in the magistracy, 85% received highly paid jobs in IT companies, ministries and departments. And 8% of employed graduates have opened their own business.

Also, majority of students, starting from the second year of study, are partially employed and earn money for personal expenses, as well as to pay for the tuition fee.