Using international experience of young scientists

On February 1, faculty members of Inha University in Tashkent (IUT) took part in a press club on the theme “Using international experience and opportunities created for young scientists: problems and solutions”.

Nowadays, undergraduate and graduates students from foreign educational institutions are faced with the question of returning to their homeland. As a result of the extensive reforms in Uzbekistan, young people, with the help of their knowledge, can arouse great interest in our country.

Speakers underlined the assignment of the international ranking of universities (Webometrics), the first place on the citation site of the Inha University in Tashkent.

The participants of the press club, together with local young scientists who have received a doctoral degree (Phd) in international higher education institutions, discussed the issues and their solutions in a panel discussion form for the effective use of international experience by young scientists, as well as organizing the exchange of experience and knowledge with young people of Uzbekistan.