On January 15-17, at IUT will host the third educational and practical festival “Entertaining mathematics”.
The main point of the festival is to show how mathematics is and demonstrate that it is a very interesting and easy subject for everyone to learning.
The festival is aim at students of schools, lyceums, colleges and other educational institutions, teachers of mathematics, as well as everyone who loves and is interested in this subject.
The festival will present 20 different math stands. To participate in the event, more than 20 mathematics professors from various educational institutions in South Korea will arrive at IUT.
Within three days, guests from South Korea will share their knowledge and create various mathematical puzzles. The festival will also include contests for schoolchildren and lectures by South Korean mathematics professors.
The first educational and practical festival “Entertaining mathematics” was in January 2016. Within three days, the festival visited by more than 5 thousand people.
The event will begin on January 15 at 13.00 at IUT. Admission is free of charge for everyone.